Tuesday, October 31, 2006

In the beginning...

To start, it took me much longer than I would have liked to create this blog due to technical difficulties!! I heard that the yahoo blogs were a helluvalot easier to use and that you can post pics and stuff like that. Anyway, I'm going to try and see if I like this but...I'm wondering if I might get bored later. Well..today is day 1 for blogging and day 60 at uni and I'm already longing for the days of work and making money. Patience my precious, we'll soon be there! Those of you who r in my class, what do you think of my bee-yoo-ti-ful template? I was caught btw a chintzy green and this colour. Thought I'd start with the rose and if things get a little bit exciting later, I might head for the greenery scene. Ok..it's getting on to my bedtime, so, so long folks.

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