Saturday, August 21, 2010

Darth Sidious the Transgender the middle of my contract last year, we acquired a new director in our program-who we will fondly refer to as Darth Sidious-he is the one who turned Darth Vader to the dark side-to all those who don't know (which if you don't, I strongly suggest renting the Star Wars movies and seeing them because you are such a loser for not knowing!).  So, to continue, Darth Sidious is the epitome of evil as is our director.  OH...I forgot to add our director is female but to be honest, with this particular female, it is hard to tell.  She isn't very female-like for a Korean girl....who are known to be cute and always want to please their man.  She is and does neither.
Anyway, I have to go back to work in a week and I was recently told that in addition to working the hours we work, we will now have to work Saturdays and she is planning on cutting our winter vacation in half.  So, instead of a month off, we will have 2 weeks off.  So much for taking off early and getting on with my 7 month intense fat free diet and exercise regime!  I am so annoyed...where are her priorities???
To be honest, my priorities are definitely not with work you can tell...I am losing my enthusiasm for work here-I'd rather be fixated on my body than work.  As for Darth Sidious the Transgender, I am curious to find out what other fiendish little changes she has in mind for us....

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