Monday, February 21, 2011

What I do at home....

So...being at home these past 2 weeks have been very very relaxing.  I don't even want to go anywhere.  In fact, I am so lazy that I activated my mom's cell phone while at home, bought clothes online, and paid bills online. I, also, watch TV and movies online.  This is crazy, I don't have to go anywhere to do anything. Being at home has been so great-other than for the interviews, I only left the house once!  This is truly the laziest time of my life. So when I get the chance I will possibly move one step off my mom's couch but, for now, my bum is quite comfortable. However, these days I've been thinking this is a bit problematic. Technology may have made my life easier but it has reduced me to an immovable object and I've noticed that I have a flabby tummy!  It was growing like this before I got back but now...I am becoming quite horrified by how much of it has grown flabby!  I thought my bum was problematic but this is hitting another note altogether.  So, tomorrow I hit the gym!  I am hoping the almighty gym will be my savior and, frankly, bring me back the flat tummy that I once had...ah..the dream!    

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