Monday, February 21, 2011

Baby I'm Back!

So..I am back in Canada at home.  I've been home for 2 weeks and have succeeded in accomplishing nothing.  It's been wonderful.  There have been 2 annoying things that happened during these past 2 weeks.  I've had the honour of going to 2 interviews.  These interviews were not for jobs but for university entrance to Teachers College but they felt like job interviews.  The first interview was in Oshawa and the second one was one week later in Toronto.  They both marred my vacation and were on Saturdays for heavens sake!  Don't they know that I am on vacation!!  And who does interviews on Saturdays!!  For Heavens Sake!  Anyway, they are over now. I'll find out results in April and when I know, you will know and we can all have a good cry together because if the interviews mean anything, studying will be super hard IF I get in!  I am so scared about that i.e Not knowing if I get in and having to study!
Anyway, what was really great was that for one of those interviews I had the opportunity to spend some time with friends in Toronto, which was really great!  We saw a play called Assassins. It was funny but what was truly funny was when a friend and I played online scrabble and I won!  Of course he didn't know at the time that I was totally CHEATING.  For heavens sakes, the game is online!  OF COURSE I am going to CHEAT!  Well...his brother told him what I had done...and now he has a bone to pick with me...Uh Oh...Thank goodness his brother told him after I left.  Oooops! Sorry!! I can be rather cheeky at times!  

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