Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Definition of a REAL MAN!

Last night was an astonishing day because I was upset to discover that of the 3 men here, none of them had a hammer! I needed a hammer to fix the panelling in the bathroom-the fact that none of them were really interested in doing this, is another story. 2 of these so-called men were downstairs watching yoga porn and the other was 'busy' studying. Needless to say, my endless search for a hammer was futile. In the end, I was forced to concede to my despair and wait another day to find a REAL MAN (with a REAL HAMMER). Note to the Englishman: Putting a "little elbow grease" into it, will not hammer nails into wooden panels!
Today, was an exciting day because I discovered the REAL MAN! His name is Tony and he is our maintenance man-and, guess what, he had a hammer! After an eventful day in which door knobs were screwed in and wooden panels were hammered in, I decided that, indeed, the main criteria for a REAL MAN is that he should have tools!
My male flatmates disagree with this and have marked me as sexist. And insist that if I am to be like that, that I should 'put on the kettle'. I answered by letting them know that the trash will always be there for them to take out-as far as I can tell-I've, yet, to see them budge to do this chore. Men!

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