Monday, November 06, 2006

The Slug Infestation

All righty...this is what our downstairs bathroom looks like. Doesn't it look pristine (apart from the toilet seat up!). People, please try to remember there are 3 girls living in this house! This pic was taken at 8:10 pm, today.
Anyway, you are all probably wondering why I put this pic up on my blog-well it's to relate the story of our slug infestation problem. Apparently, every morning between the times of 5 and 6 a.m., we receive these tiny tots into our home, usually, accompanied by the screams of Intelligent blond girl. We suspect they come in through this room. Recently, we have not heard any screams because the intelligent blond girl has gotten over her fear of them, picks them up and lets them run(?) free in our backyard. This is in direct contrast to the first 2 slugs she encountered where she battered one to death and salted the other as liquid puss came out of it. I guess after watching them writhe and die before her very eyes, she took pity on the poor, ugly tykes.
Unfortunately, we have not found a solution to our problem. They haven't multiplied but they have grown in size. I mistook one for a small amphibian-to this day, I swear it was the size of a tadpole. I, actually, thought it was a tadpole. Cave girl, an aspiring zoologist, was eager to see the 'tadpole' to only be disappointed to see that it was, indeed, a large slug. To cover up my error, I asked her to do a dissertation on our toilet ecosystem. She was unimpressed by the idea. To this day, she cannot believe that I mistook a slug for a tadpole-apparently tadpoles are "cuter."
In any case, I don't see how anybody could not be fascinated by our ecosystem, there are so many ways to adapt this to the theory of evolution. I am, sure, that the slugs are only the beginning, next the amphibians, after the reptiles and before long, we will find a naked man in our ecosystem. In fact, I believe that our toilet is not only the thoroughway of our waste but, indeed the DAWN OF MAN. I tried to reiterate this theory to cave girl but, yet, again she was unmoved by my passion.
What do you think?

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