Sunday, November 19, 2006

Lazy days...with Crime included!

Hello all!

Today has been one of those lazy days! I went to Morrisons yet again, oh joy! Sometimes, I think I shop every day-I'm beginning to hate food-why couldn't doctors find a way for students to stop eating and then we wouldn't have to pay for food! After, I watched 2 movies: Capote and The Constant Gardener. We wanted to stay in the living room until it got warmer in the rest of the house-so we decided to watch movies. Lately, I've been reduced to using my laptop as a knee warmer and cave girl gave me the idea of using my charger as a foot warmer!

Last night, was a terrible night for intelligent blond-I've decided to call her brunette with blond roots now, because she has dyed her hair! Well..her purse was stolen from her workplace!
It reminded me of the time when I was in Paris and this man, the one in the pic, nearly stole my bag! I took a picture of the fiend because he had caused me so much grief. He was a dastardly man who saw my bag (which I had left unattended) and ran with it to the basement of a store that I was in. This store belonged to a friend of mine and when I realized that my bag had disappeared-we shut the store down and went looking for my papers in bins. We thought, that whoever took my bag ran out with it, took some money and put my bag with my papers in the bins.
Needless to say, I was in shock and upset! Never in my life had I felt this way! I wanted to find this jerk and shake him for even thinking of taking my things. Luckily enough, when we returned to the store, we found him holding my bag, standing like an idiot, in front of a locked door. We had shut the culprit inside! Take a good look, folks, this drunken, spineless jerk took my things 4 months ago! I was lucky-I found my things and, the best part was he kept on saying that he had given everything back to me but when I looked in my wallet I realized that he had stolen cash from me. He gave that back as well. The police gave him a warning and my friend told him to never come back to his store but a few weeks ago he had returned to my friend's store! My friend told him to leave and never come back or he'll be calling the police.
To continue flatmate was outraged and, unfortunately, she never found her bag. This particular thief, went into an area designated for employees, and stole from them. Some handsome policemen took her statement-her words, not mine but she didn't have money to, even, go home. The worst part was that after this terrible experience, her manager didn't care and didn't even have the courtesy to give her some money to go home. Which brings me to my next point-what kind of manager can be so callous to not even think of the welfare of his own employees-may he rot!

So that's that folks...will continue on at a later date....

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