Thursday, November 02, 2006

My Flatmates


As I will introduce my flatmates. First you must understand that we are 6: there's intelligent blond girl (a paradox), cave girl, Englishman, Scotsman and every house needs one, a Frenchman. Or in his words, a French gentleman (possible oxymoron). As you can see, you can tell right away who the Englishman is in the picture above. The French gentleman is on one side of him and on the other side, is me. I'm afraid that my other flatmates were not there when the pic was taken. So..we'll have to wait a while to see when I can get some more pics this weekend.

The Englishman, Frenchman and Scotsman (this is not the beginning of a joke) enjoy fellwalking. The intelligent blond girl enjoys talking and cave girl enjoys sitting in dimly lit places while studying AND I LOVE being in bed!

All of my flatmates consider it amazing that I can do so much on my bed. I study in my bed, drink tea in my bed, work on my computer while in bed and, of course, sleep in bed. My desk is storage space for books and mail. I hate my desk because it's not well-lit, it's small and when it's cold, I prefer being under my blankets with the computer on top of me being used as a hot water bottle. At this juncture, you're probably asking yourself why doesn't she get out of bed and get a hot water bottle..My most simplest answer to this is that I don't want to get out of bed-too cold. Hmmmm...perhaps, I will ask my flatmates for a hot water bottle for my birthday. But, the main problem that I have abt hot water bottles is that they're usually cold in the morning and it's uncomfortable waking up to stg ice-cold next to you.

By the way, I already gave my flatmates a list of things that I wanted for my bday; to which cave girl's response was "you can't always get what you want." My natural response was to ignore this warning and ask for the following things: socks without holes, a calendar for next year-to which the boys asked with whose pictures-ha ha not funny,and lotion. I hope I get the calendar-I really need one! And socks without holes would really be great, I'm getting tired of darning my socks. And well..lotion is always nice, I like to smell nice now and then. I hope this will fit into their budget-since we're all students. I'm sure that they'll give me a free bank calendar-I should stop here, I don't want to give them any ideas! Anyway, they have quite a few days to think about it.

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