Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Last But Not Least....

Well...there she is folks, the last of my never-ending flatmates! This one is, indeed, the smart-alecky cave girl. She insisted that I write tonight because she was very disappointed to see that I hadn't written anything last night.
Sorry about that folks, I was at the crummiest movie of my life, BORAT! I had nightmares about this movie after I watched it-it was a complete waste of 2 hours-I have never felt like leaving a movie theatre before but this movie, actually, made me feel physically ill. Anyway, after that movie, I came home and read some more glorious chapters from Richards-which instantly acted as the sedative that I needed.
Today was a little better...I woke up, had a 7 am shower-only to go straight back to bed, after, for 3 more hours-I was really tired because I was awakened by an idiot who insisted telephoning between the hours of 2 am and 3 am-may he rot somewhere for ruining my beauty sleep. Anyway, at about 11, I took off for my oh-so-wonderful-bank from which I have yet to recieve my credit card. It has taken about 2 months now...and it looks like I'll have to wait a few more weeks for it. Good lord and they say the English are better at banking! I never had to wait that long for bank cards in France! I think by the time I finish paperwork in England-I will have already left this country and people here think the French are lazy!
Continuing on...on my fantastic day, I headed for a 30 minute seminar followed by an awe-inspiring afternoon at the library. After searching for 4 texts and succeeding to find one-I decided that I had quite a successful day and headed for home.
The highlight of my incredible day was going to the swimming pool where I competed with small children for the hair dryer and played the game 'keep on pushing the button for hot water' shower. All in all, it's been a formidable day and tomorrow, I'll fill you in on the story of our private death machine. Sweet dreams all.

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