Today..has been an otherwise magnificent day!
Today..I had the pleasure of going to class at 8 am followed by a tantalizing 1 pound 50 pence lunch consisting of green lettuce, tomatoes, something white next to it, combined with a slice of onion quiche (I don't believe this quiche even exists in France). Afterwards, I was quite ecstatic because I decided to spend more money on-well you guessed it-PHOTOCOPYING material for two of my assignments. I spent a few remarkable hours in two different resource centers-one being a library!
If this day hasn't been exceptional enough yet-I'll let you in on my next few hours after that! At 2, I had a class, so at 5 minutes past 2, I ran hurriedly to this class, only to discover, from a stranger, at the entrance of the building, that, indeed, my class had been cancelled. At this point, most students would be overwhelmed by joy...however, I, being a good and wonderful student (please note, one of my professors may be reading this) wept bitterly in disappointment at realizing that I would not be able to sit in on a tantalizing lecture of Research Methods.
In my bitter disappointment, I walked slowly home-45 minutes later, I found myself in my room and came up with the brilliant idea of re-arranging it. I wanted my bed to be closer to the radiator-having, several hours later, achieved this criteria, after moving several key pieces of furniture in my room, which is the size of a rather large closet, I was awestruck by my expertise in interior decorating. I wanted to be as close as I could to the radiator so that I could feel the heat and I, also, wanted the strength of the internet signal on my computer to change from Very Good to Excellent (cave girl's response to this was "it doesn't make a difference"-I, wholeheartedly, disagreed!) After showing off my "piece de la resistance" to cave girl, who immediately remarked "I don't like it."-I quickly ate supper and started working on my computer, only to discover that the Strength of the Internet Signal stubbornly sits on Very Good. Oh..well..can't have everything I suppose. At least I have HEAT.
What a wonderful day.
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