Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Wake me up before u gogo

Today was a fantastic day-I woke up at 6:30 because 2 of my flatmates wanted to use the shower early this morning. Usually, my time slot is 7 but today, one wanted to go at 7 and the other at 7:15. So, I had a shower at 6:30. Nevermind that I had to leave the house at 8 and they didn't have to leave until 9! Greaaaat Day! Fantastic! I love my 630 am showers-wouldn't have it any other way. Groan...
So..at this moment, I am dying. I've been at school all day, I finished at 4. And now I want to go to bed. It's only 8 pm.
The worst part is that I'm trying to concentrate on my reading but I keep on falling asleep. Currently, I'm reading a book about the Effectiveness of Video in the Classroom but most of the studies were done in the 1940s and 60s-so sleep overcomes me now and then.
I'm hoping that tomorrow will be better work-wise.
Oh..and today I became interested in cave girls work (mostly to take a break from my reading) and started working on her mathematical issues-it was very exciting, I haven't looked at a trig function for 8 years-it's incredible how much the mind can remember. Sometimes, I shock myself.
Anyway, guys I'm really dying...so...ttys all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WHAT!!!! such a lazy bones, think we need to start giving you training lessons in leaving your bed!!!!!